A lot has changed from just a couple weeks ago. Bexar County will enter a 10 day shut down to help curtail the spread of COVID-19 and many are struggling to to find clarity in this situation. Many are asking how will I pay my bills? How will I be able to feed my family with shortages at the stores? What if I get sick? What if one of my loved one's gets sick?
No one has the answers we are looking for right now. As a small business owner I try to make sure our employees are doing ok, that our tenants are ok and that the owners that we work with are ok. All I can do is simply reach out and communicate. But given this imposed slow down, that may be one of the most necessary parts of surviving the pandemic. To simply communicate.
I could tell you about our policy adjustments and programs we are trying to launch but in the end, people need to know they will get through this. Take the time to call a loved one. Allow yourself to enjoy your family. Take this time to look inward and determine that if you wanted to change your life, what would it look like.
I am no self help guru to be certain. Just sometimes from events like this, we need to take from them what we can and move forward. To be sure, this is not a fun time for anyone. People are understandably stressed about things over which they have no control. Just breath, and think about what life will looks like after this passes. And simply communicate. Be safe and take care of yourself and look forward to getting through this will all of you.
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(210) 298-3948
Mailing Address:
5460 Babcock Road - Suite 120-106, San Antonio, TX 78240
Physical Address:
5460 Babcock Road, Suite 120,
San Antonio, TX 78240
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday by Appointment