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Hey guys! Hope everyone's doing their best to stay warm (even though it still gets up to almost 80° some days!).


Although the weather is still all over the place here in Central Texas, it's been more cold than warm lately and everyone is using their hot water like crazy. Which, as I'm sure you've noticed, results in higher utility bills! Running more hot water runs up your water bill and your electricity bill causing higher payments.

If you're wondering what you can do to try to keep your utility bills down during these cold months, CPS Energy has posted some water heating efficiency tips on their website that I've included here.

  1. Use Cold Water as much as possible when using a dishwasher or washing machine
  2. Take Short Showers or shallow baths for the kids
  3. Buy a High Efficiency Washing Machine when you need a new washer
  4. Check the Setting on Your Water Heater. The recommended setting for our area is 120°. Also check the unit for possible leaks.
  5. Wrap an Old Water Heater with an insulation jacket to decrease it's heat loss. Insulating the water pipes can also help.
  6. Don't leave hot water running when shaving or rinsing dishes. This will reduce the amount of energy needed to heat the water and save on your water expenses as well.
  7. Wait to wash dishes and clothes until you have a full load.
  8. Install a Low-Flow shower head or faucet aerator to not only save water but reduce water heating costs as well.
  9. Try a natural gas water heater for greater efficiency. Take advantage of CPS Energy's Natural Gas Rebates.
  10. Consider a tank-less water heater system. Tank-less units heat water directly without the use of a storage tank -- saving energy and water, reducing both of your utility bills.

These may be small but they add up and if you do them all you'll be able to notice a difference in your utility bills. They could even aid in preventing rolling blackouts like we had a few years ago!


If you aren't familiar with some of rebates CPS offers, make sure to look at their website. If you're in other parts of the state or the country, make sure to check out your energy company's website for rebates as well. I know our local utility company, CPS, offers rebates for several things including air conditioners, attic insulation, solar, air flow performance and more.


Do you have techniques of your own that help converse hot water? Share them in the comments below. We want to hear about them!


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